IIS site not visible under 80 port


I have 2 bindings for IIS site:

 IP Address = * Port = 80
 IP Address = * Port = 100

I am able see website as localhost:100 but not as localhost:80 (in the case of port 80 I just see default IIS page).

Also I have allowed port 80 in inbound firewall rules and verified that port 80 is not blocked by any other application. Any Idea? Thanks.

Best Answer

I know you said you checked, but until there's verified evidence, you may still have another service already listening on port 80. Check for any other services listening on port 80 thusly:

netstat -a | find "LISTENING"

Furthermore, just to confirm that the firewall rules are working as you expect, use telnet from both your server and another host (telnet client, not telnet server. Don't let anyone tell you that telnet is bad... as long as you're only using the client.)

telnet your.server.ip.address 80

You should see something like:

telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

And then you can try a simple GET

GET / HTTP/1.0

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