IIS Stopped Logging – How to Fix


IIS 7.5 has stopped logging all traffic for a single site (of a couple of dozen on the same box), and I can't work out why. It stopped logging at exactly midday on Friday last week, and nothing since. All log files for other sites are as expected. So far I've checked;

  • Logging configuration is the same as other sites (W3C logging to a directory, one file per day)
  • NTFS ACLs on the log folder are OK (inherited from the parent, the same as other log folders)
  • disabled and re-enabled logging
  • stopped and re-started the site

I've not restarted IIS or the server, but it was rebooted last night (Sunday) for Windows Updates, ie this problem pre-dates those updates and reboot.

Is there any way I can debug the logging process itself? All attempts to search for debug and logging just get me stuff about debugging requests, not the logging engine itself.

Best Answer

Ultimately, I removed and recreated the log directory, and things started logging again, so I assume there was some kind of ACL problem, although it wasn't obvious.

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