Iis – Unable to browse website via DNS name in Azure VM


I'm trying to set up IIS on an Azure VM so that I can use make a small page to host images generated there.

I've set up IIS and from IIS Manager (while RDP'd to the VM) when I select the Default Website and select Browse *:80 (http) I can see the test page I created and placed at: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.htm

In the actions menu of IIS Manager below Browse Website is also the option to browse the site via the DNS Name.

When I click that option, I get an error in IE that "This page can't be displayed".

I checked the bindings and the only difference between the two is apparently that one has the DNS Name that I copied from the VM Overview page in Azure.

Any ideas on things to check to fix this?

Best Answer

Only add host name in IIS Management ,cannot let you browser your website via DNS name.

1.If you want to browser your website just from a domain name, you can configure DNS name for your VM like this:

enter image description here

Then we can browser the web site via the DNS name I have configured.

enter image description here

2.If you want to browser your website from your own domain name,you can use Azure DNS. Also , you need to configure your domain name by your domain name provider.

More about Azure DNS, refer to this document. You can also find how to delegate custom DNS with Azure DNS.

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