Iis – Unable to get the private bytes memory limit for the W3WP process


We run several ASP.NET applications on our webfarm, but we noticed a lot of error entry in the event log:

Unable to get the private bytes memory limit for the W3WP process. The ASP.NET cache will be unable to limit its memory use, which may lead to a process restart.

We stores the web site files on a network share and the application pools running under the "Network Service" account. We did every recommended step (but the problem still appears):

  • aspnet_regiis –ga “Network Service”
  • cscript metaacl.vbs IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/AppPools IIS_WPG RE
  • Add “Connect As” account to IIS_WPG group.
  • Allow "Connect As" accont to logon as a service.

Best Answer

Did you restart the IIS service after having executed the scripts? This blog post also recommends using this statement for granting permissions to the filters:

cscript metaacl.vbs IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/Filters IIS_WPG RE 

This error is caused by a known issue with insufficient permissions in your IIS metabase.