Iis – Unable to write using IIS FTP … Keep getting Access is denied


I am having issues writing to my FTP site … I am able to connect to the site using my FTP client. I have given the user account READ/WRITE authorizations inside of the IIS Web Site (which also handles FTP Publishing). I have also given the user account full control to the folder through the Security settings.

What am I missing? Because I can connect and browse the directories no problem … I am leaning towards a permission issue.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Here is the actual error message I receive using FileZilla:

Status: Starting upload of C:\Temp\Global.asax
Command:    PASV
Response:   227 Entering Passive Mode (64,34,179,104,207,165).
Command:    STOR Global.asax
Response:   550 Access is denied.
Error:  Critical file transfer error

This is a virtual server outside of our network … hosted by another vendor. Internally we pass through a TMG server, and on the virtual server the Firewall is running … I've tried turning it off … but still have the same problem.

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