Uninstall IIS – How to Uninstall IIS on Windows 7

iisiis-7windows 7

I've just rebuilt my development machine and installed IIS. I then installed the Web Deployment tool and used this to restore my previously-backed-up websites to the clean machine. Unfortunately the restoration didn't work correctly/fully.

I couldn't easily correct the problem, so I decided to uninstall/reinstall IIS and recreate the sites manually.

I uninstalled IIS and rebooted, but there was still plenty of stuff left around such as various files in /windows/system32/inetsrv/ which I tried to delete manually (with limited success!).

I rebooted again and tried to reinstall IIS – it reported an error (no meaningful message) and requested another reboot. The event log includes the following errors:

The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix http://*:80/gallery for site 1. The site has been disabled.


Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine.

I'd like to avoid another rebuild. Can I completely remove IIS, such that I can reinstall it from scratch? Or can I 'fix' the current setup so that IIS will reinstall over what is already there?

Best Answer

This is not IIS Installation issue. Check this article KB 890015. Check the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters by default there is no ListenOnlyList