Iis – Where to put domain folders in IIS7? InetPUb / wwwroot


Can anyone tell me what the standard is for creating new domain directories for inetpub in IIS

Is the standard to put in directly under inetpub on the same level as wwwroot or actually inside wwwroot??

Best Answer

Here's a better question.

Why would you WANT a standard solution? Most script kiddies and amateur hackers rely on the fact that people put things in the same places all the time and use the same ports.

A good example of this is the SSH port on port 22. It gets POUNDED all the time but if you move it to something like 11022 you'll find the attacks all but stop.

Looking for the "cgi-bin" directory on a website is another common example.

Using that style of logic, I know many people who create their IIS web directories somewhere non-standard such as c:\websites\sitename1, c:\websites\sitename2, etc

Hope this helps.