Iis – X-Geo HTTP Header


Does anyone know the specs for the X-GEO HTTP header? I am seeing some in my logs, and looked for a spec or something, but didn't find anything that explains the values I am seeing. Any reference to the header I find online show values like US etc. e.g.

Here is part of packet:

X-Geo: US

Source: https://distinctplace.com/2014/04/23/story-behind-x-forwarded-for-and-x-real-ip-headers/

…But there is no explanation of that particular header.

The ones I see seem to be encoded but I am not sure of the format. Here is a sample of some of the values I am seeing. All of them follow this similar format:

a cm9sZToxIHByb2R1Y2VyOjEyIHRpbWVzdGFtcDoxNDY4NjQwMjIyNTcxMDAwIGxhdGxuZ3tsYXRpdHVkZV9lNzo0MTY5ODkzOTQgbG9uZ2l0dWRlX2U3Oi03Mzg5NjYyMTB9IHJhZGl1czoxOTc2NA==  

Is there any info behind this type of value if decoded? Anyone know there the spec for the x-Geo header might live?

Best Answer

The cm9sZToxIHByb2R1Y2VyOjEyIHRpbWVzdGFtcDoxNDY4NjQwMjIyNTcxMDAwIGxhdGxuZ3tsYXRpdHVkZV9lNzo0MTY5ODkzOTQgbG9uZ2l0dWRlX2U3Oi03Mzg5NjYyMTB9IHJhZGl1czoxOTc2NA== string is Base64.

It decodes as role:1 producer:12 timestamp:1468640222571000 latlng{latitude_e7:416989394 longitude_e7:-738966210} radius:19764.

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