IIS6 Error 504 400 0 64


The problem occurs when working on sitecore content editor. When a user takes some action, internet explorer freezes and after a while it shows

 ReadResponse() failed: The server did not return a response for this request.

When I am connected to our hosting servers through VPN connection it works fine. Any help in debugging this is greatly appreciated.

From IIS Logs

2010-07-14 06:29:14 W3SVC1515735300 x.x.x.85 POST /en/sitecore/shell/sitecore/content/Applications/Content+Editor.aspx ic=People%2f16x16%2fcubes_blue.png&he=Content+Editor&cl=0 80 – x.x.x.58 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/4.0;+SLCC2;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+.NET+CLR+3.0.30729;+InfoPath.3) 400 0 64

2010-07-14 06:29:14 x.x.x.58 50955 x.x.x.85 80 HTTP/1.1 POST /en/sitecore/shell/sitecore/content/Applications/Content+Editor.aspx?ic=People%2f16x16%2fcubes_blue.png&he=Content+Editor&cl=0 – 1515735300 Timer_EntityBody DefaultAppPool

Analyzing traffic with Fiddler shows the following Url causes the freeze

504 ReadResponse() failed: The server did not return a response for this request.

Best Answer

Is the IP address only accessible via the VPN? What routes does the VPN provide?

Maybe the VPN is required to edit content based on the way your provider has set up their service?