IIS8.5 Centralized Certificates: using more specific wildcard


I've set up Centralized Certificates on my IIS 8.5 (Windows 2012 Standard). I have the following certificates available, among others:

CN=*.dev2.pressero.com, OU=Domain Control Validated
CN=*.pressero.com, OU=Domain Control Validated

I set up a site with the https binding platform.dev2.pressero.com (port 443). I expected it to use the first certificate above, but it is using the second (and therefore not connecting due to name mismatch).

Do I have any alternatives here, other than removing the second certificate from the centralized store?

[EDIT 1]
Here are the files in my shared SSL store. As you can see they all match the specification stated by the link given in the comment. [EDIT2: no they're not. Trying rename.]

[EDIT3]: After renaming, same problem. I even tried adding a copy of _dev2.pressero.com.pfx that was named exactly the site name. It still wants to use the *.pressero.com cert. IIS restarted several times.


Best Answer

When you export your SSL certificates to a pfx file, name the certificate the same thing that will be used as the host header value for your SSL binding. This designation is how the correct certificate is located and loaded for a site since you no longer bind a specific SSL certificate to a site when using this configuration.


From here: http://www.orcsweb.com/blog/terri/making-ssl-administration-easy-iis8-centralized-certificates-store/

But wait there's more!

Wildcard certificate

The IIS provider uses the underscore character as a special character to indicate that it is a wildcard certificate. If the subject name in the SSL certificate is *.contoso.com, then the file name should be "_.contoso.com.pfx". NOTE: IIS provider would first try to search for a SSL certificate with the filename that exactly matches the domain name of the destination site. For example, if the destination site is www.contoso.com, the IIS provider first tries to locate www.consoto.com.pfx. If that is unsuccessful, then it tries to locate _.contoso.com

From here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kaushal/archive/2012/10/11/central-certificate-store-ccs-with-iis-8-windows-server-2012.aspx

So the moral of the story is: Underscores.