IISAdmin won’t start, error 0x80090006 – how to troubleshoot further


A while back my Windows Server 2003 machine hung up and I needed to force-reboot by power-cycling it. When it was restarting it ran chkdsk, and chkdsk reported some problems.

Since then IISAdmin has not been able to start (which means that IIS doesn't work at all):

C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc query iisadmin

    SERVICE_NAME: iisadmin
    TYPE               : 20  WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
    STATE              : 1  STOPPED
                            (NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN))
    WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 1066  (0x42a)
    SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : -2146893818  (0x80090006)
    CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
    WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

I suspected a corrupt Metabase so I tried restoring from a Metabase History file dated earlier than the crash — but no luck.

Not really sure how to troubleshoot this further. There's one apparently-related error in the SYSTEM log that comes up regularly, event ID 10010 from DCOM:

The server {A9E69610-B80D-11D0-B9B9-00A0C922E750} did not register with DCOM
within the required timeout.

But I'm not sure if this actually sheds additional light or if it's just another warning that IISAdmin can't start.

Otherwise the Event logs are pretty empty of help. What's the next step to isolate this problem and fix it? I should point out that I don't have the luxury of rebooting this server very often — it's an app server, and the users who depend on the app work until late at night, and I would need to be on-site to reboot it because it doesn't always restart reliably — but I normally work off-site.

So if there's any way to keep investigating this without needing to reboot, I'm eager to hear it.

Best Answer

According to winerror.h, 0x80090006 means "NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE", which is a return from the Win32 API call "CryptVerifyMessageSignature", and means that "The message's signature was not verified." Looks like a failure of a cryptographic signature check on some file related to the iisadmin startup, to me.

I'd consider doing an "SFC /SCANNOW" to see if you can replace the screwed-up file, assuming that the System File Checker can get to some Windows installation files, and assuming that it is a screwed-up file. (Yes-- "screwed-up" is a technical term. Sounds better than "corrupt" to me. Corrupt? Was the file taking bribes?)

If you're not getting it to work after an "SFC /SCANNOW", I'd probably fire up "Process Monitor" and watch what files are getting loaded. There will be a LOT of log entries generated, but you might find the needle in that haystack.

Given that the machine took a hard power-down and had some filesystem corruption, I'd put my money on "SFC /SCANNOW" finding one or more damaged files.

Aside: So, it won't restart reliably, eh? Gives me a "The web site is down!" kind of feeling... (DO NOT REBOOT THE WEB SERVER!!!!!! Heh heh...)