Implementing Variable Envelope Return Path (VERP) using Exchange


We're looking into implementing Variable Envelope Return Path (VERP) for improved bounce processing for our application.

Our current mail infrastructure is MS Exchange 2007 but are in the process of upgrading to 2010. We're also implementing Postini for spam filtering.

Exchange doesn't support sub-addressing (see also this question on disposable addresses) — and VERP is somewhat of a specialized application of sub-addressing.

Are there any options for implementing VERP in Exchange without putting another non-Exchange SMTP relay in front of Exchange to pre-process incoming messages? Specifically could a transport rule be created that could match against the target (non-existing) recipient, store that recipient address in a special header added to the message, and redirect the message to a pre-created mailbox?

Note: we have developer resources available if custom code could be used somehow.

Best Answer

Certainly, out of the box, there is no support for VERP in Exchange 2007/2010. As you know. I don't believe you'll be able to create a transport rule, even with PowerShell, to do what you want. I believe the closest you will get is building your own Transport Agent. You can find the Exchange SDK at If your goal is to determine who a message bounced for, you may be better off parsing the protocol logs. Protocol logging must be turned on, and has separate send/receive logs. Good luck, Paul