In Apache how to define multiple ProxyPass to different servers with the same context-root


** updated with workaround at bottom of this answer **

I have a requirement for my webapp to proxy to 2 external reporting servers.
So I will have a menu-item for each external reporting server.

But the browser-URL has too look like it's my server so I can't just redirect.
these servers both have the same context-root /ibm

For both servers browser-URL should look like while the apache proxies to the correct one.

How should a setup like this be done?
How can Apache know to which one it has to proxy?

I wouldn't mine if I had to do some change so the URL's would turn out like : and

I managed to have the desired effect using my weblogic-proxy servlet and manipulating URL's etc, but Apache would be a more efficient solution if this can be done somehow.

I appreciate any input.

Also the inital request to the external reporting servers is launched from my webapp, not from the browser.

** update **

We now have to proxy to about 10 other webservers, where some had this issue. But whenever the target webserver was deployed in the root we also had to rewrite the body etc.. which for some of these proxy-integrations was a lot of trial and error.

Workaround Solution: we have switched to sub-domains for these proxied webservers, where actualy the subdomain URL's still point to our own apache, but using these subdomain-names we can more easily set up a virtual host & proxy in our Apache config, and we don't have to rewrite any of the response bodies etc.

Best Answer

This is easily done with mod_proxy:

ProxyPass /rep1/ibm
ProxyPassReverse /rep1/ibm

ProxyPass /rep2/ibm
ProxyPassReverse /rep2/ibm

There is more information at the apache documentation site for mod_proxy.

If you need to change the links in the content returned from the external sites, you can do that using mod_ext_filter. Here's a sample configuration to rewrite a link:

# mod_ext_filter directive to define a filter which
# replaces text in the response
# Note: I'm Using a '#' instead of an '/' in the sed command since I want to
# include '/' in the string
ExtFilterDefine rep1 mode=output intype=text/html \

<Location /rep1>
    # core directive to cause the fixtext filter to
    # be run on output
    SetOutputFilter rep1
    ProxyPass /rep1/ibm
    ProxyPassReverse /rep1/ibm
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