In-place upgrade Windows Server Standard Edition 2003 to Windows Server Enterprise/Datacentre Edition 2003


I recently asked a question about upgrading from 2003 to 2008, but i realised this is a lot harder to do, the only reason i want to upgrade is to have increase the RAM

Windows 2003 Standard Edition R2 only supports 4GB
Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition R2 supports up to 32GB
Windows 2003 Datacentre Edition R2 supports up to 64GB

So basically i need to do an in-place upgrade to either Enterpirse or Datacentre without losing any data is this possible?
Also is one easier to upgrade to then the other?

Best Answer

These are the supported upgrade paths for W2K3:

In general, when doing an upgrade, your programs and files will remain as they are.

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