In SharePoint, why can I “multiple document upload” a 47,297 byte file, but not a 47,298 byte file


It's strange. I can upload a document named 47k.txt that is 47,297 bytes using the "Multiple Document Upload" feature. If I do any of the following to the file, the upload fails:

  • Add a single character to the end of the text file
  • Add a character to the file name (e.g. 47kx.txt)
  • Put the file in a subfolder (thereby increasing the total length of the file path)

This is the error I get in the SharePoint logs:

Category: General                        
Event ID: 8jzm 
Level: High     
Message: #90012: An error was encountered while processing files on the server. 
         Try uploading one file at a time by using the single upload page.

The same error is reported in a message box on the client side.

Does anybody know why this would happen?

EDIT: This breaks when uploading a single file over 47,297 bytes, or multiple files whose file sizes together are greater than about 47k. So, I could successfully upload 20 files that are all 1k, but the upload fails if I tried to upload a 10k file and a 40k file at the same time.

Best Answer

This is a known issue with .NET 2.0. The problem is listed in the fixes included with .NET 2.0 sp1. So, it looks like we really just need to update our service packs and the problem will be fixed. Since SharePoint is built on ASP.NET, any bugs in the .NET framework will be present in SharePoint.

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