In the output of ps(1) on OS X-like systems, what do processes listed in parentheses mean, and how to kill them


username@yosemite ~ % ps wwwaux | grep java
username        48111   0.0  0.0        0      0   ??  ?E   11:54AM   0:00.00 (java)
username        91673   0.0  0.0  2432772    508 s006  R+    3:19PM   0:00.00 grep java
username        90809   0.0  0.0        0      0   ??  ?E   12:47PM   0:00.00 (java)

Every so often I will get a JVM hung like this. What do the (java) process listings mean? How do I kill them? kill -9 48111 does nothing, and AFAICT the listings stay there until I reboot.

Best Answer

When in doubt refer to the man page :)

$ man ps

When printing using the command keyword, a process that has exited and
has a parent that has not yet waited for the process (in other words,
a zombie) is listed as ``<defunct>'', and a process which is blocked
while trying to exit is listed as ``<exiting>''.  If the arguments
cannot be located (usually because it has not been set, as is the case
of system processes and/or kernel threads) the command name is printed
within square brackets.  The process can change the arguments shown
with setproctitle(3).  Otherwise, ps makes an educated guess as to the
file name and arguments given when the process was created by
examining memory or the swap area.  The method is inherently somewhat
unreliable and in any event a process is entitled to destroy this
information.  The ucomm (accounting) keyword can, however, be depended
on. If the arguments are unavailable or do not agree with the ucomm
keyword, the value for the ucomm keyword is appended to the arguments
in parentheses.


  The following is a complete list of the available keywords and their meanings.
  Several of them have aliases (keywords which are synonyms).
  ucomm      name to be used for accounting

It would appear those are zombie processes, and instead of just returning <defunct> as the process name it's returning what was stored in some kind of accounting record.

As for killing these processes, rebooting may be the best option. Since they lost their original PPID and become children of PPID 1 (launchd). You can try sending a HUP signal to launchd, but don't try to send a SIGKILL or SIGTERM signal to it, or you'll crash your system.

You can verify the PPID of the zombie processes using ps -ef.

Note: having a few zombie processes shouldn't hurt anything. The process isn't actually running anymore, it has been terminated and isn't using any system resources, other than an entry in the process table.