Include/exclude files for “scp -r”


Supposed local folder as below:

  1. How to exclude .hiddenfolder to be transfer when executing "scp -r test user@ip:/"?

  2. How to include *.htm files only and transfer them to corresponding subfolder on remote server?

  3. Any other commands can do this job more easily?

Best Answer

I don't think scp alone can do what you ask. You should investigate rsync instead.

I use it for backups with a filter to exclude files with names that don't work on NTFS volumes

# the exclude is to filter out files with invalid names on NTFS
/usr/bin/rsync -rgqoxD --delete --exclude='*[:\?]*' /home/andrewr/src /filer001/syncd/src

you can also pass it the name of a file that contains the files to exclude (--exclude-from=file)

Edit: Here's a sample command line that works for your example:

cd src; find . -type f -name "*.htm" | rsync -av --files-from=- . host:dir