Increasing fax transmission speed in Windows Server 2003


I have a rather strange problem and it might not have a solution and this might not even be the forum for this, but here goes 🙂

I have a requirement for sending faxes from Word 2007 to a bunch of fax numbers in a particular user's contact list. Our corporate fax solution can't handle this. So, Ive done the following:

  1. Configured Word 2007's Merge to Fax feature; using the contact's business fax field
  2. Connected a Multitech Systems MT5634ZBA-V92 fax modem to a Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 machine's COM1 port. Latest modem driver is installed.
  3. Connected the fax modem to a direct outside phone line that bypasses our PABX.
  4. Configured the Windows Fax Service in the Win 2003 box and installed the Microsoft Shared Fax driver in the user's machine. The user is running Windows XP SP3 with all the latest updates.

Faxing works fine. The user is able to send faxes to persons on her contact list through Merge to Fax.

The problem is that it is very slow … it takes roughly 30 seconds to transmit a page full of text and it takes upto 5 minutes to send a page full of images. I swapped out the MultiTech modem and replaced it with a U.S. Robotics K56 model and the performance is the same.

Any ideas on where I might have screwed up are greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Best Answer

Faxing is, unfortunately, slow - between 14.4kilobits/second and 33.6kilobits/second is the standard for faxing these days. And of course a complex page is going to require more data to be sent than a simple page, hence why you are seeing the difference between plain text and images.

I don't think you are going to see much improvement over that.

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