Increasing root size of an EBS back ec2 instance

amazon ec2

i am pretty to new to amazon web services. I have a few ubuntu 10.04 instances running but today when i tried to login to my instance, i got an error saying "insufficient disk space in root". I managed to login after a few min and removed all the unwanted files. In the instance description, it is mentioned that a large instance has 850 GB of storage but for the root , its only 8 GB. I came across this article to increase the root size but the commands are run from a linux shell i guess and i have ec2 tools setup on my windows machine.

Could some one tell me how do i run these commands mentioned in the article on a windows shell?
Few questions that i have about EC2 in general:

  1. what is the difference between the 850 GB storage available for
    the large instance and the allotted 8 GB?
  2. I read that i can
    detach a volume from a instance that has gone bad and attach it to a
    new instance, how do i do this? And will the saved data be available
    in this volume?

Best Answer

There are a number possibilities when dealing with storage on AWS.

First off, there is instance-storage (the 850 GB you are talking off). This storage is hooked to your EC2-instance. It can not be moved or recovered to another instance once the instance is gone. This is useful to store thing of low importance. (OS files, files to process, ...). When the instance is gone, your data is also gone.

Then there are EBS-blocks. These are like hard drives you can attach to any EC2-instance that holds your data persistent, whether your EC2-instance goes down or not. When you need the drive for another instance, just detach it and reattach it. The size of an EBS block is predefined. When you run out of space, add another one. Resizing is not really possible (unless you use the hacky way described in the link you provided).

Lastly you can use an S3-Bucket. Your can store as much data as you want in these buckets. It works a bit like EBS but has no real filesystem implementation. Some sites use this to host their images etc.

So, for your problem:

You should be able to run them using the ec2-tools. Q1 & 2 I think I addressed above. As always with AWS. Don't get attached to EC2-instaces. When they go bad, get rid of them and set up a new one by using a pre made image and attach your EBS-blocks.

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