Initial delay when browsing SMB share from Windows


We have a NAS (Synology, running DSM 6) which is connected to our Active Directory on a Windows 2016 server. The NAS has 7 shared folders which are shared using SMB2.
When browsing to the NAS using Windows Explorer (tested on both Windows 7 and Windows server 2016) there is a delay for about 10 seconds before the shared folders are shown. It doesn't matter whether we use the name of the NAS (\\my-nas) or its IP-address (\\10.x.x.x).
While continously navigating the folders there is no delay.

Any ideas on why this is happening and how to fix it?

I ran Wireshark and then started Windows Explorer. This is what the output looks like (I have filtered to just show my IP and the NAS's IP):
enter image description here

As you can see by the red rectangle there is about 8 seconds with total inactivity. This is after "Session Setup Request" is sent from the client ( to the NAS (, and before an answer, "Session Setup Response", is received.

Update 2
Did a new Wireshark session, in response to Michal Sokolowski's comment, and this time also included the traffic for our domain server ( Now some UDP traffic on port 53 (shown as "DSN" protocol) and on port 137 (shown as "NBNS" protocol) is visible:
enter image description here

Update 3
I installed Wireshark on the domain server ( to see the entire communication with the NAS:
Communication between NAS and domain server
(The image shows just an excerpt: Full Wireshark log for 'Update 3')
The line selected in the image, number 402, is just before a 3 second delay. This happens once more later on with the exact same messages.
Is it possible to say something more given this information?

Best Answer

By using tcpdump on the NAS I found out that the domain server returned two IP-addresses to the NAS when it did a DNS query. The domain server only has one physical network interface, which is the "correct" one. The other one is a virtual interface that VirtualBox has created. I followed this guide at MSDN and unchecked "Register this connections Address in DNS". That took the connection time from about 10 seconds to 3 seconds.

Looking at the tcpdump now there is one place where there seems to be no activity, between no. 14 and 15: enter image description here But I guess that the NAS is working with something internally?

Ideally it would be nice if it could go even faster.

Thanks for all comments.

I received a confirmation from Synology support that a 3 second delay is to expect from a low-end NAS (DS214se).