Install cURL on an Amazon Suse


I'm trying to install cURL on a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 sp3 machine. I'm using this action to do so:

sudo zypper in curl

And I get this error message:

Refreshing service 'susecloud'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'curl' is already installed.
Package 'curl' is not available in your repositories. Cannot reinstall, upgrade, or downgrade.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.

I have very little understanding on this kind of stuff and I don't know what command should I use to update (or install?) the cURL.
When using phpinfo I can't see any cURL enabled.

If you can help me with this or guide me to a solution, that would be great.


extension=php_curl.dll and are enabled on the php.ini.

Best Answer


What I did to solve this issue was to launch a different machine.

I has: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 sp3 (HVM), SSD Volume Type

I now have: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 sp3 (PV), SSD Volume Type

On the new machine I did as the following:

  1. Open a new dir (in etc) and call it “curl”
  2. Go to it: cd /etc/curl
  3. Run wget (From here: if you can’t find the file, change the version to the latest php version (find it on
  4. Unzip it: tar xfz php-5.4.25.tar.gz
  5. Enter the new directory that was just created and than to ext/curl cd php-X.X.XX/ext/curl
  6. sudo zypper install php53-devel
  7. sudo zypper install libcurl-devel
  8. sudo zypper install gcc
  9. phpize
  10. ./configure
  11. make
  12. sudo make install (check all that you’ve done with php -i|grep -i curl)
  13. Go to the PHP.INI and make sure the line is there and uncommented.
  14. Restart the apache

That's it. I hope this will help somebody in the future :)

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