Install httpd-devel on CentOS 5.7 x86_64


I'm trying to install httpd-devel on my Media Temple DV 4 server. I tried this:

yum install -y httpd-devel

But the install fails with:

--> Missing Dependency: httpd = 2.2.3-53.el5.centos.3 is needed by package httpd-devel-2.2.3-53.el5.centos.3.i386 (updates)

So that seems to indicate that I need a newer version of httpd. So I checked my httpd version. I checked my current version:

# yum info httpd
Installed Packages
Name       : httpd
Arch       : x86_64
Epoch      : 1
Version    : 2.2.19
Release    : 11072010

Ok so httpd-devel was asking for 2.2.3-53 but I only have 2.2.19. So I try to update httpd:

# yum update httpd
No Packages marked for Update

So with my limited knowledge I'm stuck, I can't install httpd-devel because it requires a newer version of httpd. But I can't update httpd because no packages are marked for update.

Thanks so much if anyone is able to point me in the right direction on this one.

Best Answer

Try running "yum clean all" and trying again.

That will clear the caches yum uses.