Install icinga2 and icinga-web in different servers


I followed this tutorial to install icinga2 on Sientific Linux and it works fine. What I need to do now is to install icinga2 in a server, the database in other server and icinga-web in an other one. All servers are within the same local netrwork. Is that possible and how to do it ?


Best Answer

  1. host1 runs icinga2
  2. host2 runs the mysql db
  3. host3 runs icinga web

regarding the network connections

  • host2 listens on port 3306 (mysql), accepts read/write connections from host1 (write) and host3 (read)
  • host1 listens on port 22, accepting incoming command pipe calls from host3 (if icinga web should be able to do so)
  • host3 listens on port 80, serving icinga web

The IdoMysqlConnection in Icinga2 needs to be configured to point to host = "host2", port = "3306". Icinga Web databases.xml needs to be edited to point to the ido backend dsn for "host2:3306". Details on the documentation.

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