Install “Microsoft Report Viewer” on Windows Server 2012 R2


I am attempting to install Microsoft Report Viewer (2015) on a web server.

The web server is a Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64) instance. The web server will be running a .NET application that uses the Report Viewer in an ".aspx" page. The web server is a fresh install, with .NET 4.6 installed, and select components from IIS and other features installed. There is a separate web server that hosts the SQL database and SSRS.

The System Requirements for Report Viewer indicate .NET 3.5 or 4.0 is required, as well as Microsoft System CLR Types for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 be installed.

I attempted to install SQL Server System CLR Types setup from a link provided in the Related Resources section, but get this error:

Microsoft Systems CLR Types for SQL Server 2014 requires the .NET Framework version 2.0 or 3.0 or 3.5 or 4.0. Ensure that this requirement is fulfilled before installing Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2014.

MS CLR Types can be installed from the provided link, or select features can be picked from the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack page (click download, and check boxes of what you want). I attempted this install method and got the same results. I did not try the entire feature package.

I have looked at the registry for the server, and I see the expected versions of .NET in there. I have looked at the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64 directory, and see the expected folders in there.

What setup is missing or is required to get Report Viewer installed?

(This is my first Stack Exchange universe post. Any suggestions or edits are welcome. My site reputation has limited the amount of links/images I could include.)

Best Answer

Uninstalling and reinstalling .NET 3.5 resolved this problem. Could not find a source for the problem, or what was wrong with the initial installation of .NET, and wish I could provide a better answer.