Install p5i package on opensolaris 5.11 snv_110


I inherited an opensolaris server and we need to install a nice new network card (pci id 8086,10fb). The ixgbe package recently added support for this card; so I wanted to upgrade to the following.

Problem: How do install these packages?

The server is headless. I can forward an X display, but what program to start? The "install" link doesn't invoke any package manager when I run firefox on the server…

Best Answer

I think you could run

$ pfexec pkg install SUNWixgbe

Running with display, you should click on the p5i link from your browser to install it. This feature was made out in OpenSolaris 2009.06, which is snv_111. It may not be supported on snv_110, so you need to upgrade to the latest:

$ pfexec pkg image-update

This will create a new boot environment (most likely it'll be 'opensolaris-1' in the GRUB). You will be able to roll back any changes if required just by booting into your old installation.

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