Install Sonicwall Global VPN Client without administrator credentials


Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to a Sonicwall VPN without the Sonicwall Global VPN client?

I'm stuck away from work here in Liverpool due to heavy snow and can't get administrator access to any machine here, so I can't install the usual Sonicwall Global VPN client to connect to work!

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, if anyone knows any way I could get connected with or without the official Sonicwall client, and without administrator access, I'd be very much in your debt! (e.g. is there a portable version available??) Thanks, Sam šŸ˜‰

Best Answer

The answer to the question title I would say is a pretty hearty 'no' - however...

any way I could get connected with or without the official Sonicwall client

Yes! Certainly this isn't limited to SonicWall, but here's a link to their browser-based VPN appliance. I could've sworn someone was pitching a separate license/service we could purchase for our existing firewall, but I may have misunderstood - I'm not finding a link. However, that would get around your non-admin access to the computers within reach.

You will not be able to install the VPN client through any clever tricks. The VPN adapter functions to windows similarly to a hardware network adapter - that is to say, you need permissions such that you'd be able to add "hardware" to the system. Blocking non-admins from this kind of access is a central part of the distinction between admin and user access.