Install SQL 2008 Express on Server 2008 R2


I need to install SQL Server 2008 Express With Advanced Services on a Windows Web Server 2008 R2. I'm having problems getting the install to work and in figuring out what order to do things in. I'd appreciate any guidance from someone who's done it (or am I trying to achieve the impossible?)

I've downloaded the installer and when I run it, that immediately says 'This product has known compatibility issues, there is a solution online, blah blah'. The online solution is to download Service Pack 1, fine, OK. But the initial install will not work, it says 'install failed'. So, SP1 fixes it, but that's no good if I can't get the original install to work.

According to the SQL Express home page, it is supported on Server 2008 R2, so there must be a way to do this. Anyone?

Best Answer

Is there anything in the setup logs indicating why the install is failing? The following article on MSDN explains how to read the setup logs:

You can also try slipstreaming SP1 into the install source before installing following the steps here: How to update or slipstream an installation of SQL Server 2008