Installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 hang on Setup-Support files


I'm installing SQL Server 2008 R2 on a customer Windows Server 2003.
Setup started ok, installed .NET framework and some Setup files, rebootet.

After that I ran setup for a new single-server standalone installation of SQL Server 2008 R2, which checked the prerequisites without any problem and went on to install setup support files.

Well, and it still tries to install. The progress bar is down 2/3rds and it shows "ExecuteStandardTimingsWorkflow" above.

What can I do now? Abort the installation and try again? Wait for an error to occur?

And if I cancel, how do I install SQL Server then?

Best Answer

Abort the installation, and have a look at the log files. Correct any issues, and then try again.

Usually, the setup programs uninstall themselfs, and you should be able to retry the installation