Installation ORACLE 11g in an external hardrive


I am working on a project in which i have to deal with oracle 11g.
My project manager wants me to install Oracle 11g in an external hard drive. I already installed it in the hard drive, though when you browse and open sql developer it asks me to input a source to the JDK. When I input a source it does not work and then the same pop up comes back.

Please help me in this?
Thank You

Just to let you know I am using Windows for this. When I plugin the hard drive that has oracle installed in it does not work. When I open the files which has a file called sql developer and i open that file a pop up opens everytime and it asks me to input a path name for the JDK. After inputting the source the same pop up comes again. I just wanted to knwo whether it is possible to install the software in the hard drive, so that i can work on an alternative


Best Answer

Broadly, you can't run oracle in a 'portable' manner. You install it on a server and leave it there. It's not even happy with a dynamic IP address.

Your best bet is install Oracle in a Virtual Machine such as VMWare or VirualBox (which is an Oracle product). Bear in mind that Oracle is a database and spends a lot of time reading and writing datafiles. Virtual machines also do a lot of disk IO.

A basic external hard-drive (USB 2.0) is going to very slow for this sort of work.

There's a pre-build VM running Oracle's free version (XE) at: