Installing Exchange 2010 Error with Ipv6 disabled/enabled


I've tried installing Exchange 2010 on Windows 2k8 R2. Following error occurred when installing Hub Transport Role.

Hub Transport Role Failed
Error: The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); install-ExsetdataAtom -AtomName SharedMachineSettings -DomainController $RoleDomainController" was run: "An error occurred with error code '2147950640' and message 'There is no such object on the server.'.".
An error occurred with error code '2147950640' and message 'There is no such object on the server.'

I have tried installation with both IPV6 turned on and off. Both failed and both required me to do some magic to uninstall Exchange, and try installation again.

Feel free to shoot your ideas what can be done to resolve the error. In the end I will install HyperV and put Exchange 2010 on different server but that's not what the server owner wanted.

Best Answer

Did you update the Active Directory schema for Exchange 2010 as per this Microsoft Exchange 2010 forum link with a similar problem?

See Exchange Server 2010 Planning and Deployment - Prepare Active Directory and Domains for more info on the steps.