Installing Graylog2 with puppet


I have manged to install Graylog2 from scratch by downloading all the DEB files and making the configurations. Now I try to install Graylog2 with the help of puppet in an environment and had no luck so far.

I am using elasticsearch/elasticsearch and graylog/graylog from the forge.

This is my configuration so far:

node 'mynode' {
        class {'apt':
                proxy_host        =>  'proxynode',
                proxy_port        =>  '3142',
        class {'toolbox':}
        class {'java':}
        class {'elasticsearch':
                ensure => 'present',
                #enabled => ensure running + enabled true
                status => 'enabled',

                ###only works with the repository
                #version => '1.3.2',
                package_url => 'puppet:///files/deb/elasticsearch-0.90.13.deb',
        elasticsearch::instance {'graylog2':}
        class {'mongodb':}
        class {'graylog2::repo':
                version => '0.21',
        } ->
        class {'graylog2::server':
                service_enable => 'true',
                rest_listen_uri => "http://${::ipaddress}:12900",
                rest_transport_uri => "http://${::ipaddress}:12900",
                password_secret         => 'cdebc192e0ae1f5df753018a8d284b9eacf2042d55fb712f7a89260c3fc3668d',
                root_password_sha2      => 'cdebc192e0ae1f5df753018a8d284b9eacf2042d55fb712f7a89260c3fc3668d',
        } ->
        class {'graylog2::web':
                application_secret      => 'cdebc192e0ae1f5df753018a8d284b9eacf2042d55fb712f7a89260c3fc3668d',
                graylog2_server_uris            => ["http://${::ipaddress}:12900"],


The deb packages are downloaded successfully and installed as well.
When I use a custom elasticsearch instance it starts up automatically, if I don't the instance does not start.

However if I try to start graylog-server it gives me the following:

ERROR: Could not successfully connect to ElasticSearch. Check that your cluster state is not RED and that ElasticSearch is running properly.

Checking the Elasticsearch service:

curl -XGET ''
  "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
  "status" : "green",
  "timed_out" : false,
  "number_of_nodes" : 2,
  "number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
  "active_primary_shards" : 0,
  "active_shards" : 0,
  "relocating_shards" : 0,
  "initializing_shards" : 0,
  "unassigned_shards" : 0

Looks OK

Looking on the Webpage gives me an error that graylog-web service can't connect to the server.

Maybe I am missing a connection between graylog and Elasticsearch, but I can't seem to find it.

The Graylog Error Log:

2014-09-09T12:02:54.383+02:00 ERROR [ServiceManager] Service IndexerSetupService [FAILED] has failed in the STARTING state.
        at org.graylog2.UI.exitHardWithWall(
        at org.graylog2.indexer.Indexer.start(
        at org.graylog2.initializers.IndexerSetupService.startUp(
2014-09-09T12:02:54.394+02:00 ERROR [InputSetupService] Not starting any inputs because lifecycle is: Uninitialized?[LB:DEAD]
2014-09-09T12:02:54.404+02:00 INFO  [PeriodicalsService] Shutting down periodical [org.graylog2.periodical.DeflectorManagerThread].
2014-09-09T12:02:54.404+02:00 INFO  [PeriodicalsService] Shutdown of periodical [org.graylog2.periodical.DeflectorManagerThread] complete, took <0ms>.


Best Answer

You need to use elastic search version elasticsearch-0.90.10 they say it is compatible with elasticsearch-1.3.2 in the changelog but I had the same error as you using the newer elasticsearch