Installing IPMI Bios onto supermicro


I have one of these:

And IPMI is just not operating anymore, it had been at one point. It comes up as non functional in the BIOS (i.e. "Status of BMC Not Working" & "IPMI Firmware Revision 0.02") and causes the boot process to wait for ages. I can't seem to disable it altogether. I want to try flashing the IPMI Bios as it would be handy if it worked, but the instructions seem to be very poor to entirely missing.

I download the IPMI firmware file which is said to contain instructions but I am presented with an IMA file inside a compressed zip image. Unfortunately, the IMA file is not what it appears. It's not a win image file as I first thought… win image doesn't recognise it.

There are multiple instructions and various utilities floating about the supermicro website. But no clear direction on which one to use. I did find some dos utilities for other motherboards on the website.

Has anyone done this before? where do I start?

Best Answer

Welcome to Supermicro, where the docs are inconsistent and often wrong. What I typically end up doing is digging around on until I find something that seems useful.

In your case, I'd suggest you check for upgrades to the actual BIOS before you try anything else. The IPMI BIOS and the real BIOS appear to be closely linked, and upgrading the real one may help.

From there, I'd suggest you take a look at the tools in , one of them will probably work for you, even though none explicitly claim to support your motherboard. The 'IPMI FW flash tools' directory is probably where I'd start.

I should note that it's possible to brick the motherboard or IPMI controller by using the wrong firmware flash tool. The only people that can tell you which tool is actually correct is Supermicro themselves.