Installing MS Message Queuing on Windows XP by Command Line


I developed an application that needs MS Message Queuing to work.
But it's really boring to have to go to the control panel of every computer where it's going to be running and go to Control Panel – Add/Remove Programs – Windows Components – Install Message Queuing.
So I would like to do that operation automatically, while running the setups.

Is there a Command Line instruction to install MSMQ?

Thanks 😀

Best Answer

Fun question.

Via Technet:

To run Message Queuing unattended setup, type the following command at the command prompt in the Windows system folder:

sysocmgr.exe /i:sysoc.inf /u: path and file name of answer file

It looks like your answer file should contain:

msmq_Core = on
Reminst = on

If it's a client, you'll need another section in the answer file pointing to your server:

SupportingServer = *UNC path of Message Queueing server*

There are a few more options depending on your situation. More details on Sysocmgr and the answer file here.