Installing .NET 3.5 SP1 on Windows Server 2008


My installation of Windows Server 2008 already has .NET 3.5. But I need to install SP1. I downloaded the exe from:

When I double click to run it, nothing happens. For a second, I see the hour glass indicating that it's attempting to do something, but after that nothing. I tried "Run as Administrator" and restarted the server with no luck.

What might be going wrong?

Best Answer

Is this the 237 MB download dotnetfx35.exe? That was the standard 3.5-SP1 installer.

If you run MBSA, and it detects that 3.5-SP1 is recommended, use that download link. That file should be prefixed with dotnetfx35_x86. This is usually much smaller, about 53 MB.