Installing p7zip on CentOS 5


I need some help here…, I'm working on a windows PC, SSHed into my server. I want to install p7zip (linux command line version of 7zip):

Which package do I grab there? I have no need to make this myself on my server, I'd be happy to just get it on there and get it running… Can somebody help me out here?


Best Answer

p7zip is available in epel repo:

Name       : p7zip
Arch       : x86_64
Version    : 9.20.1
Release    : 2.el5
Size       : 745 k
Repo       : epel
Summary    : Very high compression ratio file archiver
URL        :
License    : LGPLv2 and (LGPLv2+ or CPL)
Description: p7zip is a port of 7za.exe for Unix. 7-Zip is a file archiver with a very high
           : compression ratio. The original version can be found at

Install epel repo:

# rpm -ivh

and use yum to install p7zip:

# yum -y install p7zip