AWS – Installing Packages in AWS EMR


I'm trying to install Google Tink in AWS EMR 5.28.0 without much luck.
It looks like the AWS EMR image is rather strange in nature. Any ideas?


error: Could not find bazel executable. Please install bazel to compile the Tink Python package.

 sudo yum install -y bazel3

Requires: java-11-openjdk-devel

sudo yum install java-11-openjdk-devel

No package java-11-openjdk-devel available.

 sudo yum install amazon-linux-extras

No package amazon-linux-extras available.

Best Answer

As it turns out the Linux AMI (The base for AWS EMR 5.28.0) is a pain to work with. None of the available repositories have Java, Bezel, much less Tinker readily available (compare to Macos, Ubuntu, or even ECR Python image where it's a breeze)

To get Java 11jdk you need to go to Oracle and look for Linux x64 RPM Package. Unfortunately you need to sign in to their site so wget/curl is not possible.

To install you need to do:

 sudo yum localinstall jdk-11.0.12_linux-x64_bin.rpm

For Bazel you need to get the package from Github Pick the latest and install


Then pip works fine



Successfully built tink
Installing collected packages: protobuf, absl-py, tink
Successfully installed absl-py-0.13.0 protobuf-3.17.3 tink-1.6.1
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