Installing rpm-package to systemd


I am new to systemd, and trying to get an in-house app packaged as rpm, to install on systemd host (RHEL7).

The rpm tries to place the systemd .service-file: myapp.service
into: /etc/systemd/system

But that generates an error, I dont understand:

file /etc/systemd from install of myapp-0:1-.i386 conflicts with file from package systemd-219-19.el7.x86_64
file /etc/systemd/system from install of myapp-0:1-.i386 conflicts with file from package systemd-219-19.el7.x86_64  

and the installation aborts.

The install-related contents from .service-file is:

Description=MyApp activemq.service



Any idea what the conflict might be?

Or how to troubleshoot?

EDIT: Adding the rpm-stuff from gradle build-file:

myappRpm {
    dependsOn build
    packageName 'myapp'
    arch I386
    os LINUX
    version buildVersion

    preInstall file('./deploy/rpm/preinstall')
    postInstall file('./deploy/rpm/postinstall')
    preUninstall file('./deploy/rpm/preuninstall')

    directory('/var/log/myapp', 755)
    directory('/opt/myapp/app', 755)
    directory('/opt/myapp/bin', 755)
    directory('/opt/myapp/config', 755)

    into '/opt/myapp'

    from('MyApp/build/libs/MyApp.war') {
        into '/opt/myapp/app/'
        fileMode 0755

    from('deploy/systemd/') {
        into '/opt/myapp/bin/'
        fileMode 0755

    from('deploy/systemd/myapp.env') {
        into '/opt/myapp/systemd/'
        fileMode 0755

    from('deploy/systemd/myapp.service') {
        into '/etc/systemd/system/'
        fileMode 0755

    doLast {

Best Answer

each rpm specifies a list of files and directories that it installs. Two rpms cannot install the same files or directories. In your spec file (or whatever file you use to describe the rpm you build) you should not install the /etc/systemd/ and /etc/systemd/system/ directories. In a spec file; you should NOT use:




(or specify each file separately)


looking around for your gradle-plugin; You should use the addParentDirsoption:

from('deploy/systemd/myapp.service') {
    // Will tell redline-rpm not to auto create directories, which
    // is sometimes necessary to avoid rpm directory conflicts
    addParentDirs = false
    into '/etc/systemd/system/'
    fileMode 0755

(look at the full usage example on the nebula-gradle-plugin github page for more info)

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