Installing TFS 2010 beta on Windows Server 2008 R2 RC


I am trying to get an install of the new TFS 2010 beta so I can demo it to my co-workers (on Tuesday).

I am not really a systems person, so I did not know that Windows Server 2008 R2 is a Release Candidate only. I thought it was the current version.

I have it installed on a VM and have SQL Server 2008 Installed. I am working on Sharepoint now and I am realizing that a lot of the software out there needs special versions to work with the Windows Server 2008 R2 RC.

So, my question is: Am I better off starting over with Windows Server 2008 or pressing on with Windows Server 2008 R2 RC?

Will TFS 2010 even run on Windows 2008 R2 RC?

Thanks for any responses.

Best Answer

"...a lot of the software out there needs special versions to work with the Windows Server 2008 R2 RC..."

Are you coming up against the 32-bit vs. 64-bit issue? Do you need the large memory (3.5-4GB) support of the 64-bit OS?

If your 32-bit software won't run on R2 you may need to start over, with a 32-bit Windows Server 2008 VM, as R2 is the first OS only available as 64-bit.

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