Integrated Windows Authentication with Chrome and FireFox


I have a webapplication which uses claims based authentication. The STS is ADFS 2.0.
When I am in the intranet and use IE, IWA is used and no login dialog appears. When I am on the internet zone, the Forms based authentication of ADFS is used. Just what I want.

Chrome and FireFox are also working as expected when I am in the internet zone.
But when I am in the intranet zone, both come with a login dialog, instead of using IWA.
And supplying my credentials in that dialog does not work, it keeps repeating the dialog.

Any hints?

UPDATE: Did about an hour searching on the internet before I asked this question. But after asking it I did just another search giving the answer :-), matter of finding the correct keywords.
Here the answer:

Best Answer

Did about an hour searching on the internet before I asked this question. But after asking it I did just another search giving the answer :-), matter of finding the correct keywords. Here the answer: