Intel Matrix Storage Manager RAID rebuild cycles over and over


I am working on a machine that has Intel Matrix Storage Manager on it. It says it needs to rebuild the RAID1 array, but it seems to get to about 35% and then starts the rebuild over again at 0%. That's been going on for a while now. What does this indicate?

This machine was in disarray when I got to it. It may have been cycling like this for a long time, but no one noticed.

This is Intel Matrix Storage Manager (on on the windows console).

This is an older version of Intel Matrix Storage Manager. I could update it if this might be a software issue. Or, if I'm not mistaken, Matrix has been replaced with Intel Rapid Storage Technology, and moving to that would probably be better?

Else does this kind of cycling indicate that a disk is failing, or that they are incompatible? These are WD drives, WD3200AAKX-0. OS is Windows 2003 SP2.

Best Answer

This is Intel Matrix Storage Manager (on on the windows console).

This is an older version of Intel Matrix Storage Manager. I could update it if this might be a software issue.

I would be immediately suspicious of the WD Caviar Blue drives like the ones you have. They do not have TLER enabled so are not optimal for RAID arrays. Yes, this might be your problem. TLER disabled drives will appear to drop out of arrays under certain circumstances. You need enterprise drives that have ERC capabilities that support being placed on a RAID controller.

Having said the above, MSM 8 had known issues with random drives being marked as having failed. Indulge me in a bit of hand-waving, but it's almost always advisable to keep current with software, especially drivers and management tools that interface directly with hardware. Given the known issues with MSM and volume failuers, yes, upgrade the product. Yes, use the latest version of Rapid Storage Technology that your chipset supports.

Update your storage drivers and management software. If the trouble persists, then you can focus on the hard drives themselves. If it turns out to be the TLER circuitry, you have no option but to purchase proper drives for placing in a RAID array. Modern WD hard drives do not even have TLER enablement in the firmware thus firmware hacks that previously worked on early generation Caviar drives no longer work.