Internet Explorer sometimes only prints the first page

internet explorerinternet-explorer-8printing

We have a client who prints several pages from a web site. Most of the time it works fine. However, occasionally, Internet Explorer 8 only prints the first page, even when All Pages is selected. Again, most of the time it works fine–probably 90% or more of the time. Other browsers work fine. The HTML generated is the same.

We did occasionally experience this on our own machines too. In those cases, simply re-printing (pressing Ctrl+P to bring the print dialog back up) sometimes fixed it. Sometimes we would have to close the pop-up window (yes the page was called with and re-open it, then re-print.

It happens on different printers and printer drivers of all kinds. Yes, IE8 is fully patched. We've only tried this on Windows XP–not sure if others have the problem but we only care about Windows XP right now. Not sure what version of WinXP client has, but we run SP3 here.

I've never really experienced this one before in all my years of IT. Suggestions?

Best Answer

My form is 7 pages long but only prints 1 page in Internet Explorer. I resolved this issue by removing a style "position:absolute" from one of my DIV tags. I think this issue is related to absolute positioning of elements in your HTML page.

After I made the change the page prints correctly.

I hope this helps!

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