Interpreting Nagios check_disk output


The following command on Nagios's default "check_disk" command gives the following output:

# ./check_disk  -w 20% -c 10%  -p / --units=MB 
DISK OK - free space: / 17887 MB (47% inode=93%);| /=19481MB;31495;35432;0;39369

All well and good, but does anyone know what the last four numbers (separated by semicolons) mean? Is there any way, other than wrapping the command in a script, to tailor the output to something which makes sense at first glance?

Thanks in advance…

Best Answer

This is "Performance data". Performance data is defined by Nagios as "everything after the | of the plugin output". This data is used by 3rd party programs for charts. Please see more details in the documentation