Ionic Isapi Rewrite error on IIS6, Windows 2003 Server


First of all my setup is a VPS running Windows 2003 Server with multiple domains on it
IIS 6, Plesk


RewriteLogLevel 3

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$$1  [R]

This is one of their basic examples. Ionic is installed and setup proper because if I use another rule (a simpler one … like the one following) it works instant

# IsapiRewrite4.ini

RewriteLogLevel 3

# This ini file illustrates the use of a redirect rule. 
# Any incoming URL that starts with an uppercase W
# will be redirected to the specified server.

RewriteRule ^/(W.*)$$1   [R]

This one works in the TestDriver tool and none of them gives any error or warnings in TestParse tool, but it doesn't do a thing on the webserver… The fact that one rule works means that the isapi module works. I am using the last version.

RedirectRule  [I,L]

Both examples were taken from
So my IsapiRewrite4.ini needs to do this two tasks: auto transform and redirection for a number of urls. Can you help out.. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Best Answer

RedirectRule is the new syntax. The old Syntax for 301 or 302 redirects was RewriteRule with a [R] flag, but it got to be very confusing, so it was changed. With the current version of IIRF, to do a redirect, you use a RedirectRule directive.

As of IIRF v2.1.1.5, the RewriteRule syntax with the [R] flag is once again supported, for compatibility with mod_rewrite.

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