IP Camera – RTP Streaming Ports Not Showing Open


I ran nmap on my IP camera to see what ports are open. I see a RTSP port open on port no 554, as expected. However, I do not see any ports open for RTP-RTCP streaming.

Here is the output of nmap:

    22/tcp    filtered ssh
    80/tcp    open     http
    554/tcp   open     rtsp
    8000/tcp  open     http-alt
    8200/tcp  open     trivnet1
    9010/tcp  open     sdr
    9020/tcp  open     tambora
    49152/tcp open     unknown

As I understand, if I send a RTSP command to the RTSP server, I get a SDP or some such presentation providing the port where I can get the RTP/RTCP streams which would be on UDP ports. Is my expectation incorrect? The camera does support H.264, RTSP, RTP, RTCP.

Best Answer

The default nmap options only scan for TCP services (and even then only the top 1000 most common ports).

UDP portscanning is more difficult and therefore not done by default.

Please take a look at for instance the nmap manual for more detail on UDP scanning: https://nmap.org/book/scan-methods-udp-scan.html