IPhoto backup without time machine


How can I make backup from iPhoto without time machine?

Best Answer

iPhoto puts all of your photos into a library similar to the way iTunes puts all of your music into a music in a library folder structure. That being said you could easily just copy the library from your hard drive to another. I know you want to back it up, but here is some information on how to move the library and much of the info should be useful in your soluition: http://basics4mac.com/article.php/move_iphoto_lib and http://www.hinkty.com/blogger/2006/02/how-to-move-your-iphoto-library-to.html

Also if you want to share a library between users/systems see here: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=158248

And lastly there is a application manager which can handle much of this in a more simplier manner called iPhoto Library Manager