Iptables – Debugger for Packet Analysis


I'm looking for an easy way to follow a packet through the iptables rules. This is not so much about logging, because I don't want to log all traffic (and I only want to have LOG targets for very few rules).

Something like Wireshark for Iptables. Or maybe even something similar to a debugger for a programming language.


Note: It doesn't have to be a fancy GUI tool. But it must do more than just showing a package counter or so.

Update: It almost looks as if we can't find anything that provides the functionality that is asked for. In that case: Let's at least find a good technique that's based on iptables logging – which can be easily turned on and off, and doesn't require to write iptables rules redundantly (having to write the same rule for -j LOG and -j ...)

Best Answer

I can't think of a direct solution, but I can think of a round about way of tracking a packet.

  1. Log each rule with a log prefix directive (--log-prefix "Rule 34")
  2. Generate a test packet or packet stream with scapy and set the TOS field to something unique
  3. grep the log file output for that TOS setting and see which rules logged it.