Iptables – Fail2ban not configuring properly


I have just installed a fresh version of iptables followed by fail2ban, but fail2ban fails to do anything with iptables and I am stuck with no changes being made, this fail2ban not working properly.

Any help please?

My iptables -L:

Best Answer

Your iptables -L-output looks normal, for a fail2ban-setup that haven't detected anything bad going on.

Verify the following:

  • is fail2ban running? Run ps aux | grep fail2ban, you should see a fail2ban-server-process.
  • Does /var/log/fail2ban.log have any content? (If this file does not exist, check /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf for logtarget.)
  • Does /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ssh.conf exist?
  • Does /etc/fail2ban/action.d/iptables.conf exist?

If you still can't figure it out, it would be cool if you added the Linux-distribution, and version of fail2ban in use. You should also provide what kind of attack you want to defend yourself against. I have assumed ssh brute-force above.