Iptables – flushed and removed iptables rules, but CSF restores them


Intending to clear my iptables rules (i have like a thousand rules which block many customer IPs, and I can't find which is doing it), I removed all csf.deny entries, then :

  • service iptables stop
  • csf –disable
  • rm /etc/sysconfig/iptables
  • iptables –flush
  • service iptables status (shows empty rules)
  • csf –enable

Now all the rules are restored and added to iptables! This is driving me nuts as I can't stop it. Box is CentOS 5.5 on a VPS, server1.etebaran.com, running CPanel

Best Answer

grep an IP which you belevie it is blocked in /etc/csf/

grep IP /etc/csf/* -irl