Iptables – How to forward UDP Wake-on-Lan port to broadcast IP with IPTABLES


I'm trying to setup Wake-on-Lan for some of the LAN computers at home and it seems that I need to open a UDP port (7 or 9 being the most common) and forward all requests to the broadcast IP, which in my case is

The problem is that my router does not allow me to forward anything to the broadcast IP.

I can connect to my router through telnet and it seems this router uses IPTABLES, but I don't know much about it or how to is.

Can someone help me out with the proper iptables commands to do what I want? Also, in case it doesn't work, the commands to put everything back would be nice too.

One last thing, rebooting the router will keep those manually added iptables entries or I would need to run them every time?

Best Answer

# iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p udp --dport 6  -d <original destination> -j DNAT --to-destination

That will take a WOL packet destined for and reroute it to the broadcast of your network.

Also if you are using a Red Hat derived system you will need to save the iptables entry using

# service iptables save