Iptables – How to prevent libvirt from adding iptables rules for guest NAT networks


Similar to this old request on BugZilla for Fedora 8, I'm hoping something has changed since then or someone knows another way.

I want to manage the iptables rules by hand—the one-size-fits-all automatic rules don't suit me at all. These rules seem to be added and removed when a network is started and destroyed. Is there a way of either preventing these rules being added at all or hooking a script into the network start that restores the default rules afterwards.

For now, I'm using a very crude method with cron, but I hope there is a better way:

  *  *  *  *  * root    iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Best Answer

Well I've found an answer that suits me: I've gone back to school and learned to do it the old fashioned way. No need to use libvirt's fancy networking functions as I can just:

  • set up my own bridged network(s) (not attached to any physical network port)
  • use a DHCP server on the host and masquerade in iptables
  • edit the libvirt guest config files to use the bridge(s)
  • have complete flexibility in how I want to configure security with iptables